Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pujols On Priorities


In anticipation of Opening Day (the baseball season begins next Sunday) here's a quote from Albert Pujols. He's had a suspiciously phenomenal career up to this point: He's been in the major leagues 8 years. Each season he has hit at least .314 with at least 32 homeruns and more than 100 RBIs. Many are skeptical about his success, especially now since Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Alex Rodriguez, among many others have been identified as users.

In Pujols case, the suspicions seem to be unfounded. When asked about steroid use, he says plainly in a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, "Come and test me. Come and do what whatever you want."

It's an interesting offer. I found the comment that followed even more interesting.

"Because you know what? There is something more important to me--my relationship with Jesus Christ and caring about others. More than this baseball. This baseball is nothing to me."

His words echo those of Paul: "But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ." (Philippians 3:7)

Keep your eye on ball, Albert; and your eyes on the prize.

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