Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Let The Weak Say I Am Strong

Joel 3:10

The average person talks to himself or herself thousands of times a day. For many people, much of that self-talk is negative. "You're so stupid!" one says to oneself. "Why can't you do anything right? You'll never get a break. You'll never succeed. You don't have a chance. You'll never change." These words reinforce what we believe about ourselves, and they influence the actions we take.

We find it far too easy to believe in the power of our weaknesses and failures; we find it far too difficult to believe in the power of the God who came to transform us into his likeness.

God spoke through Joel this simple phrase: "Let the weak say 'I am strong.'" (Joel 3:10) He was talking about the day of battle; he was guaranteeing his people a victory.

Every day is the day of battle for followers of Christ. We fight temptation, discouragement, apathy, and failure -- day in, day out. And in the midst of battle, God reminds us that victory is ours. Therefore, let the weak say I am strong -- for (as David proclaimed when facing Goliath) "The battle is the Lord's."

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