Tuesday, October 14, 2008



My soccer career was less than impressive. I don't think I ever actually started a game, but I did learn a secret about getting to play. The coach will sometimes send in the guy standing closest to him. It happens, for example, when someone has just been dragged off the field and he needs someone -- anyone -- to fill a spot. I learned that if I was close enough at that moment, he just might choose me. It worked sometimes -- certainly more often than sulking on the bench would have. This is why, during the course of my single season of play, I entered the game as an right-wing, a halfback or a defensive fullback even though I never practiced in these positions. I usually didn't know exactly what I was expected to do, but at least I was on the field.

There's a principle here to remember: As Dwight L. Moody once said, "God always uses the man closest to him." Unlike my high school soccer coach, God isn't easily distracted and he doesn't send us anywhere unprepared. But he does use those who are eager to get into the game. That's why I want to make a habit of "getting in God's way" so to speak, so that when he's ready to use someone, he sees me first. I want always to be in a position where God can do something with my life.

Isaiah heard the voice of God saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And Isaiah responded, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8)

God is asking the same question today. He's looking for those who are to ready to be used in a great way. When he's searching the sidelines for someone to take the field, I want to be standing close to him.

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